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*Undefined Reference To Winmain@16' C++

*Undefined Reference To Winmain@16' Dev C++

But in the end my compiler comes with a lot of errors, all of them is:[Linker error] undefined reference to `Something'basically any command in the source code (Any SDL commands that is).I have read in other threads, that it's because i have forgotten to include the library, but i think i have.I'm using the dev-c++ compiler.I went into the: Tools fan, and then chose: compiler options.Then i chose Directories.After that i went to the: 'Directories' fan.In here, there are three deifferend things i can include:Binaries, Libraries, C includes and C++ includes.I didn't include anything in binaries, since i couldn't find any SDL binaries.I included the directory called: 'Lib', as the SDL library.I included the directory called: 'Include' as both the C includes and the C++ includes, since i didn't know which of them it was supposed to be included as.SDL, needs to be installed, and as so, it get's a stand alone directory, in C:/Program files/SDL (Or whereever you choose to locate it), the directorires i refer to, that i included, are all directories located in that directory.So it seems, to me, like i included about everything, that's supposed to be included.It should be said that i'm learning C++. so i'm a n00b at this. I'm new to both the langauge and the compiler, though i have programmed in another langauge, for pretty some while.But since i'm new, i would ask you to now assume that i can anything, cause i realy can't. So please help me, step by step, i haven't even made the source code. It's from my stipendium.O, and please tell me why i have to do what i have to do. I don't just wanna know how to fix it, i also wanna know why i'm fixing it the way i am, since i'm learning the langauge, i would also like to learn from this mistake ^^i would also like to know how to correct the error, from the title. ([Linker error] undefined reference to `WinMain@16') i have came to the understanding, that, that specific error has another way to be corrected, than the rest.

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*forum 10 Replies


* 2 Years Discussion Span

*commentLatest Postby SgtMeLatest Post

Anyway, that's the reason why g can complain about WinMain missing: it's a silly non-standard startup function that Microsoft's tools require by default for GUI subsystem programs. Take a ride on the Reading, If you pass Go, collect $200 Compute the Eulerian number Spaced-out numbers What is a Peruvian Word™? Jan Mura napsal(a):  function. There is no main neither WinMain. I don't use windows.h, Win  components or anything like that. If there is no main or WinMain you can only compile it (Ctrl+F9) but not run.Narue5,707Undefined Reference To Winmain@16' C++

>[Linker error] undefined reference to `WinMain@16'You've created a project that's being built as a Win32 application. Those guys use WinMain instead of main as the entry point. If you want a regular C++ program, you have to choose the correct project type (which would be a console project of some sort) or build it yourself manually from the command line.Undefined Reference To Winmain@16' Dev C++ Hi everyone. I have a problem about C programming. I am beginner so I will be very happy if you help me with simple and easy understandable methods.C:C alıştırma>gc *.o -lm'gc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.C:C alıştırma>gcc *.o -lmc:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.8.1/../../../../mingw32/lib/libmingw32.a(main.o): In function `main':e:pgiawsrcpkgmingwrt-4.0.3-1-mingw32-srcbld/../mingwrt-4.0.3-1-mingw32-src/src/libcrt/crt/main.c:91: undefined reference to `WinMain@16'collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit statusC:C alıştırma> 





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